2014 Annual Report
Other Information

Remuneration provided to members of the Governing Bodies and Senior Management; Non-Competition Covenant:

The total value of rights and material benefits provided to members of the board of directors and of the senior management in 2014 amounted to TL 12,897,000. The total value of cash and non-cash benefits consisting of allowances, travel, accommodation and representation expenses, and of insurance and similar guarantees provided to the Board of Directors amounted to TL 744,000; the sum provided to members of the senior management amounted to TL 1,375,000.

Duty of Loyalty Report:

During 2014, the following conclusions were reached in all of our Bank’s transactions with the main shareholder, the main shareholder’s affiliations and our Bank’s affiliations: the fact that the transaction was made or the precaution was taken or in the time of avoiding from taking precaution, according to circumstances and conditions known by us, the fact that substituted performance is provided and the fact that there is no precaution taken or avoided from taking it which can damage the company and the fact that there is no transaction or precaution to be offset within this framework.

Special Audits, Public Authority Audits:

There were no shareholder requests for special audits during 2013. Türkiye Finans is subject to continual on-site inspection and remote supervision by personnel of the BRSA (Banking Regulatory and Supervision Agency) as required by the Banks Act (Statute 5411). The Bank’s conduct of its business was also subject to the “Regular Oversight for the Improvement of Working Conditions of Employees in the Banking Sector” prepared by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security Inspection Board during 2014.

During 2014, a total of TL 76,430 in administrative fines were levied against Türkiye Finans, of which TL 55,765 were related to contraventions of Statute 5411, TL 3,065 were for contraventions of the tax-law and TL 17,600 were for contraventions of traffic, municipal laws and various other laws and regulations.


In 2014, Our Bank undertook TL 82.3 million worth of investments of which TL 33.9 million were related to intangible fixed assets while of which TL 48.4 million were related to tangible fixed assets.

Charitable Assistance and Donations:

Shares that the Bank Has Acquired in itself:

There are no shares which the bank has acquired in itself.

Administrative and Legal Enforcement:

There were no instances of the company or members of the Board of Directors being found to have contravened legislative provisions, or the actions of administrative and financial enforcement as the result of such contraventions.