With Türkiye Finans’ extensive correspondent network and SWIFT system, you can perform FC transfer transactions to anywhere in the world fast and securely.
Sending FC Transfer to Türkiye Finans
For Türkiye Finans to receive international transfers, you only need to include the following information in the transfer instruction you issue to your bank.
- Recipient first name, last name, address details
- Türkiye Finans SWIFT Code: AFKBTRISXXX
- Complete entry of the recipient branch name and account number
- For transfers from European countries, the 26-digit IBAN number of the account at Türkiye Finans
- Türkiye Finans Bank Code for transfers from U.S.: CHIPS UID No 405946 (Routing Code may also be used instead of ABA Number.)
- Account correspondent of the recipient bank, depending on the currency
Sending FC Transfer from Türkiye Finans
For the international transfer to be received by the recipient, you only need to include the following information in the instruction you issue to our branches.
- Recipient first name, last name, address details
- SWIFT code, or name-address and branch, of the sending bank.
- IBAN number of the recipient account
- Account correspondent of the recipient bank, depending on the currency
Click to learn more about IBAN.
You can contact Türkiye Finans experts online to consult about your Foreign Trade operations.