This solution is provided in return for a lien guarantee for legal non-profit entities such as associations, foundations and unions which plan to purchase a house for the purposes of accommodation, education, etc.
Türkiye Finans is the only housing financier of associations, foundations and unions in Turkey.
Visit the nearest Türkiye Finans branch to apply and get further information about the Mortgage Finance for Associations, Foundations and Unions.
Features of Mortgage Finance for Associations, Foundations and Unions
- Financing support offered may represent up to 75% of the expertise value for the soon-to-be-owned-house.
- An alternative payment plan can be prepared with up to a 120-month period at convenient profit and allocation fee rates.
- The valuation for the real estate is conducted by independent companies licensed by Capital Markets Board (CMB).
- If legal entities such as foundations, associations and unions would like to benefit from housing finance options, their boards of directors or trustees are required to issue a resolution declaring that the house will be used for accommodation, education and other similar purposes. Such resolution should be documented and explicitly shown in the minute book/trade registry gazette.