In Purchasing Funds
If the customer gives the buying order until 12:00 a.m., he/she will purchase the fund at the share price set in the morning of the next day (T+1), and the number of funds the customer requires to purchase will be credited into the customer’s account on T+2.
If the customer gives the buying order after 12.00 a.m., he/she will purchase the fund at the share price declared two days later (T+2), and the fund will be credited into the customer’s account on T+3. The customer will not know the fund price in purchasing Type A fund. For example, a customer requesting to purchase funds and informing this request at 11:00 hours on Monday can purchase it at the fund price declared on Tuesday morning.
And on Wednesday, the corresponding number of funds will be credited, at the price declared on Tuesday morning, into the customer’s account. The customer may sell the fund, purchased thereby only on Tuesday, without waiting for it to be credited into his/her account.
A customer requesting to purchase funds and informing this request at 14:00 hours on Monday can purchase it at the fund price declared on Wednesday morning. And on Thursday, the corresponding number of funds will be credited, at the price declared on Wednesday morning, into the customer’s account. The customer may sell the fund, purchased thereby only on Wednesday, without waiting for it to be credited into his/her account.
Participation certificate prices will be collected adding a 20% margin per day to the last declared share price, as the price applicable to the purchase transaction is not known firmly in the future price system. On the day the price purchase becomes firm, the remaining balance of such margin will be credited back into the free account.
In Selling Funds
If the customer gives the selling order until 12:00 a.m., he/she will sell his/her fund at the share price set in the morning of the next day (T+1), and the amount arising from the sale will be credited into the customer’s account on T+2.
If the customer gives the selling order after 12.00 a.m., he/she will sell his/her fund at the share price declared two days later (T+2), and the amount arising from the sale will be credited into the customer’s account on T+3.
For example, the request of a customer desiring to sell funds at 11:00 hours on Monday will be executed at the fund price declared on Tuesday morning, and the amount arising from the sale will be credited into the customer’s account on Wednesday.
However, the request of a customer desiring to sell funds at 14:00 hours on Monday will be executed at the fund price declared on Wednesday morning, and the amount arising from the sale will be credited into the customer’s account on Thursday.