Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy,
Türkiye Finans in all its activities "Human as the most valuable asset" to accept, by providing a safer and healthier working environment, to minimize any kind of losses that might occur and always improvement is adopted as the primary goal
The ”Occupational Health and Safety Committee'' meetings are held at regular intervals, our legal obligations regarding“ Occupational Health and Safety “are closely and continuously monitored and necessary actions are taken.
The health checks of all employees who will start to work in our Bank are performed by our workplace physician, and Occupational Health and Safety On-the-Job Training is given with our Occupational Safety Specialist. After their inauguration, Occupational Health and Safety trainings are organized within the scope of Orientation Training Program ”. In addition, trainings are made available to all employees as e-training during the year and updated in accordance with the legislation.
As of 2018, the ICR Management System software and all topics related to Occupational Health and Safety that we have implemented in the General Directorate of our Bank is monitored and controlled in a systematic and orderly manner.
As a Türkiye Finans:
- We give priority to the development of ICR culture in our bank with practical emergency trainings, exercises and activities. We carry out all our work effectively and consistently with the proactive participation of the related parties and the support of our senior management.
- We provide information and guidance for all our managers to act with the awareness that they are responsible for occupational health and safety of all team members, subcontractor employees and visitors who are in their management or control.
- We aim to provide all our employees, subcontractors and visitors with the necessary knowledge and competencies related to occupational health and safety through information and training programs and to keep their personal awareness high.
- Within the scope of the legal regulations at the General Directorate Regional Directorates and Branches, we adopt Risk Analysis, “Emergency Action Plans, Occupational Health and Safety Trainings, exercises and tests, measurements and analyzes to prevent Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases.
Human Resources Work Group